
Thursday, 3 January 2013

First post

I'm trying to be very frugal this year, and hope to save quite a bit of our money towards our 'own' home.
I shall be monitoring my progress on this blog, so that I can keep keep records of what's going on (and what's being spent where!).

These are some of my plans for this year....

  • I hope to get a little Etsy shop up and running with homemade sewn, crocheted and papercrafted treasures.
  • I plan to make myitems from the stash I already own as much as possible...
  • I'm hoping to join in with the 'Frugaldom forums 2013 Money Making Challenge'.
  • I want to keep within our set grocery budget. Saving anyleftovers at the end of the month in a sealed pot towards (hopefully) next Christmas.
  • I seriously want to have lots of No Spend Days. (NSD)
  • I would like to get some vegetables up and growing in the garden again.  Mostly in pots though as we live in a rented house :(
  • Lose weight!!!!  :D
Well,  I think that's enough to be getting on with. I just hope that I mange to keep track of everything on here :)

Happy New Year!!


  1. Hello :) Lovely, shiny new blog, so I thought I'd come and say 'hi', welcome to Frugaldom and our frugal challenges. Hope you can have fun while frugaling.

    All the very best for 2013! :)

  2. Good luck in all your challenges Ragged Wren.

  3. Hi Ragged Wren and welcome to blogland. I love your list of challenges, they are pretty much the same as mine for this year so I will be reading with interest and encouraging you along your frugal way.

    Good Luck

  4. I've just found your lovely brand new Blog. Welcome to Blogland.

    Sue xx


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